Welcome to APPAC study group’s homepage!

Acute appendicitis is one of the most common surgical emergencies worldwide. For over a century, surgical removal of the appendix has been considered the only treatment option with appendectomy still being one of the most common emergency surgeries.

Our study group, the APPAC (APPendicitis Acuta) group aims at evaluating the safety and efficacy of conservative treatment for uncomplicated acute appendicitis. Landmark trials by our APPAC study group have shown that imaging confirmed uncomplicated acute appendicitis is not a surgical emergency–these trials have been substantial in initiating global discussion and research on the evolving appendicitis treatment paradigm.

Previous APPAC trials (APPAC I, II, and III) have shown antibiotics to be safe and effective also with only oral antibiotics and even placebo avoiding unnecessary surgeries resulting in major cost savings.  The upcoming APPAC IV trial aims to evaluate whether antibiotics and hospitalization of both can be omitted in the treatment of uncomplicated acute appendicitis.

The group is funded by the Sigrid Juselius Foundation, Academy of Finland, Turku University Hospital Government research grant foundation (EVO) and Mary and Georg C. Ehrnrooth foundation.

Contact: Paulina Salminen, Paulina.salminen@tyks.fi